WP8: Dissemination, exploitation and IP management

This WP will develop and implement a strategy for the dissemination and exploitation of research results of the COSMOS project to the different stakeholders. In order to effectively exploit the different opportunities resulting from our research, appropriate communication channels will be used and means of following-up need to be identified and utilised.
Potentially valuable intellectual property will be captured, evaluated and protected by the appropriate means as the project progresses. In order to better reap the potential societal benefits of our research in Europe in terms of higher value added, employment and ecological advantages, dissemination and exploitation also aims at providing policy recommendations.

Partners involved in this WP:

  • Nova-Institut (WP Leader)
  • Contact: Dr. Stephan Piotrowski, stephan.piotrowski@nova-institut.de, +492233481453

  • Wageningen Research
  • Arkema
  • IFEU
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