WP5: Vegetative tissue and seed meal valorisation by insects

The strategy in this WP is to valorise the residues of Crambe and Camelina crops, which contain glucosinolates which are anti-nutritional compounds, for mammals, through an insect biorefinery. The use of insects to convert crop residues increased oil & fat production, but also to turnd a non-edible crop into high value proteins and key fatty acids.
The WP also encompasses the extraction of glucosinolates from the seed meal, in order to generate a natural biopesticide and a detoxified seed meal of higher value.

Specific objectives are:

Partners involved in this WP:

  • Wageningen University (WP Leader)
  • Contact: Prof. Joop van Loon, joop.vanloon@wur.nl, +31317482791

  • Wageningen Research
  • Proti-Farm
  • Solutex
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